Occurence of stormwater pollutants in receiving water bodies (2021-2023)
Analyses of microplastics, metals and PAHs along urban water bodies.
- The impact of stormwater on receiving waters is well known. However, there is still a lack of knowledge on which pollutants are present in the receiving water, which concentrations can be expected and how far downstream the city the impact of stormwater is visible.
- investigate the impact of stormwater on the receiving water
- investigate new stormwater pollutants, such as microplastics
- study if/how the pollution load changes along the path of watercourses through the city
- The aim of this project is to:
Project time: 2021-2023 | Financier: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Godecke-Tobias Blecken, Heléne Österlund and Suna Ekin Kali
Godecke-Tobias Blecken