Dealing with uncertainty in sampling and analysis of coal tar asphalt
The purpose of this project is to identify sources of error in the sampling and analysis of coal tar asphalt and to point out opportunities for improvement of the risk classification process.
Many roads contain coal tar asphalt which in turn contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Risk classification of coal tar asphalt is based on measured PAHs in asphalt samples. Large masses of coal tar asphalt are handled as hazardous waste based on these measured samples, the representativity of which is unclear.
Three methods will be used. Institutional, practical, and scientific knowledge will be compiled. Sampling and analysis of asphalt in regard to PAH content will be observed to identify where practice deviates from scientific grounds or vary between practitioners. Finally, a interview study will be conducted based on from the above identified critical steps to obtain exhaustive information about how these steps are conducted as well as which opportunities for improvement the practitioners see.
The main delivery of this project will be a report on the sources of error that have been identified and opportunities for improvement through new guidelines.
Martin Larsson
- Doctoral Student
- 0920-493800
- Martin Larsson
Jurate Kumpiene
- Professor and Head of Subject
- 0920-493020
- Jurate Kumpiene