Chhotu Kumar Keshri
Postdoctoral researcher
Research subject: Mining and Rock Engineering
Division: Mining and Geotechnical Engineering
Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
Stress changes and Mining Induced Seismology
Peer-Reviewed International Journals:
Keshri, C. K., Mohanty, W. K., & Ranjan, P. (2020). Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for some parts of the Indo-Gangetic plains, India. Natural Hazards, 103, 815-843. 020-04014-8
Keshri, C. K., & Mohanty, W. K. (2022). Seismic Site Response Studies for the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India with Special Emphasis on the Narora Nuclear Power Plant. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 1-33.
Keshri, C. K., & Mohanty, W. K. (2023). Next-generation ground-motion prediction equations for Indo-Gangetic Plains, India. Journal of Earth System Science, 132(2), 85.
Sen, S., Nayak, N. C., Mohanty, W. K., & Keshri, C. K. (2022). Vulnerability and risk perceptions of hydrometeorologicaldisasters: a study of a coastal district of Odisha, India. GeoJournal, 1-21.
International Conferences and workshop
Keshri, C.K., Mohanty, W.K (2018) Ground Motion Prediction Equations for the geometric mean of Horizontal component of peak ground acceleration and 5% Damped pseudo-spectral acceleration at spectral periods between 0.01s and 0.8s for Indo -Gangetic plains India. Conference: American Geophysical Union, 10-14 Dec. 2018, S43D-0626
Keshri, C.K., Mohanty, W.K (2021) Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for Narora region of Uttar Pradesh India on Indo- Gangetic plains. American Geophysical Union, 13 - 17 December 2021, NS25C-0443.
Keshri, C.K., Mohanty, W.K (2021) Earthquake site response studies of the part of Indo-Gangetic plains, India. American Geophysical Union, 13 - 17 December 2021, NS25C-0443.
Subhamoy Jana, William K. Mohanty, Saibal Gupta, Keshri, C.K, Prakash Kumar (2016) The delineation of the paleochannel trail in Puri: Possible existence of the lost river Sharadha Conference: Developments in geosciences in the Past Decade - Emerging Trends for the Future &Impact on Society & Annual General Meeting of the Geological Society of India.
Sunjay Sunjay, Manas Banerjee and Keshri, C.K (2015) Dry Nanoscience and Technology for Unconventional Energy Resources. Conference: National Symposium on Nanomaterials & Sustainable Synthetic Strategies 21-03-2015 to 22- 03- 2015, Deptt. Of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, BHU.