Master Programme in Information Security
Congratulations – you have made a great choice and we are glad to have you as our student at Luleå University of Technology.
Campus students: To keep your place on the program you have been accepted to, you must register for the program. Registration takes place at the Skellefteå campus between September 2nd and September 4th. If you do not register, you will lose your place on the programme.
On Monday 2/9 we welcome all new on-campus students in Skellefteå, Forumsalen 10:15.
Distance students: To retain your place on the program you must register online between the 2nd and 4th of September. Log in to Ladok for students to Register External link, opens in new window.
The registration is the basis for creating an LTU card, accessing the course rooms in our learning management system (Canvas) and being able to write exams. If you do not register, you will lose your place on the programme.
select Course/Program in the Search field. Enter course code, e g T7008B. Set end date to October 31. Search, then click on the course code in the box Results. It will now appear under My criteria. Repeat for your other course. Click on Show schedule
The literature for the course is given in the course syllabus and you will find it in the link above ‘Courses quarter 1’. Please note that the course literature can be changed up to 10 weeks before the course starts.
More information about the programme
- Programme website
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Here you can find the programme syllabus as well as information about the program
Contact Service Point
If you have other questions, check out the FAQ Opens in new window. or contact Service Point through the contact form here
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