Pilot project: Piano
Pilot project: piano solo
The pilot project was funded by a grant from “Innovative Art and Science”, one of the Areas of Excellence in Science and Innovation instituted by Luleå University of Technology.
Edvard Grieg (1843–1907). Bryllupsdag paa Troldhaugen (Wedding Day at Troldhaugen), op. 65, no 6
Edvard Grieg. Hjemve (Homesickness), op. 57, no 6
Recorded performances
The pianist was Helge Kjekshus, assistant professor of piano and member of the research group. The recorded performances took place on 31 October 2013. Four performances were made, all with the pieces played in the above order, with the ceiling at maximum, middle and minimum height, as well as with minimum height and drawn curtains in order to attain the shortest reverberation possible. An additional recording of one of the pieces, “Bryllupsdag paa Troldhaugen,” was made on 13 June 2017. For this recording, the position of the ceiling was chosen by the research group in order to obtain optimal acoustic conditions based on the evaluation of the previous recordings.
Jan Berg, Sverker Jullander, Petter Sundkvist, and Helge Kjekshus. (2016). “The Influence of Room Acoustics on Musical Performance and Interpretation—A Pilot Study.” Proceedings of the AES Convention 140, May 2016.
http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=18282 Länk till annan webbplats.