Chen-Wei Yang
Forskningsämne: Kommunikations- och beräkningssystem
Avdelning: Datavetenskap
Institutionen för system- och rymdteknik
Luleå, A3308
Om mig
General Information
Dr. Chen-Wei Yang is a Senior Lecturer in Dependable Communication and Computation Systems.
I am currently working as a senior lecturer at Luleå University of Technology with a passion for undergraduate education (involved in several undergraduate/master level courses) and applied research (3 research projects with 2 as the project manager). I am the co-author of more than 50 scientific publications (journal publications, conference papers, technical reports and patents). I have presented the results of my research work in various international and national conferences, workshops. I have served as an organizing committee member of IEEE conferences and session chairs and I am also an active member in various IEEE technical committees.
I received my conjoint bachelor’s degree in computer systems engineering (Hons) with Japanese and Master of Engineering (Hons) at the University of Auckland. I received my PhD degree in 2018 at Luleå University of Technology. My research interests are in the area of Engineering Smart Energy Systems, which includes systems engineering of cyber-physical systems, data and communication interoperability, distributed automation system design and semantic modelling.
I have extensive experience in developing and modelling substation automation systems (in IEC 61850) and distributed automation systems (IEC 61499) for various national and international industrial and research applications. I am confident in my problem-solving skills and self-learning ability. I am always interested in improving my knowledge of new technologies and further developing my skills.
In my spare time, I volunteer as the Vice-president of Education at Luleå Toastmasters club, a branch of the non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills. I have been a member of Luleå Toastmasters since its inception and have served as the treasurer, webmaster and secretary on the club committee. I have completed both the Competent Communicator manual and the Competent Leadership manual and is currently working on my pathway titled “Dynamic Leadership”.
I am part of the teaching staff in the following courses:
- Introduction to Programming for Engineers (D0017E
Länk till annan webbplats.)
- Software Design for Industry Automation (D7033E
Länk till annan webbplats.)
- Robust and Energy Efficient Real-Time Systems (D7020E
Länk till annan webbplats.)
- Computer Communications (D0002E
Länk till annan webbplats.)
Current PhD Students.
- Yulia Berezovskaya - A hybrid method of fault detection for automated maintenance of energy efficient data centers
- TCII - Sub-TC Chair on Smart Energy and Smart Grids
- IEEE P2805.1 WG - Self-Management Protocols for Edge Computing Node
- Luleå Toastmasters