Gregory Poelzer
Biträdande universitetslektor
Forskningsämne: Statsvetenskap
Avdelning: Samhällsvetenskap
Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik, konst och samhälle
Luleå, A307
Om mig
Gregory Poelzer currently works as an associate senior lecturer at Luleå University of Technology after completing a post-doc in 2020 and receiving his PhD from LTU in 2018. His research focuses on legitimacy, particularly the procedural and value factors that affect trust in government, including comparative analysis at the international, national, and local levels. Through these projects and others, Poelzer regularly collaborates with George Washington University, the University of Lapland, Montanuniversität Leoben, the University of Saskatchewan, and the University of Northern British Columbia.
- National Science Foundation: GET-North (2023-2025)
- EIT-Raw Materials: PRO-SLO (2023-2026)
- National Science Foundation: Measuring Urban Sustainability in Transition (2021-2026)
- Formas: Clean Mineral (2021-2025)
- Horizon 2020: New Exploration Technologies (2018-2021)
- Horizon 2020: Mining and Metallurgy Regions of the European Union (2017-2021)
- Vinnova: What´s in a social license to mine? Indigenous, industry, and government best practices for social innovation (2017-2022)
- Kolarctic ENPI: Sustainable Mining, local communities and environmental regulation in Kolarctic area (2013-2015)
- Hjalmar Lundbohm Research Center: Mining, institutions and public opinion: interactions between stakeholder-groups and the administrative system (2012-2018)