Jaap Van De Beek
Professor, Ämnesföreträdare
Forskningsämne: Signalbehandling
Avdelning: Signaler och system
Institutionen för system- och rymdteknik
Luleå, A2411
Besöksadress: Luleå tekniska universitet, Universitetsområdet, Porsön, A-huset, rum A2411
Postadress: Luleå tekniska universitet, Attn: Jaap van de Beek, 971 87 Luleå
Om mig
Jaap van de Beek is chaired professor of Signal Processing with Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, and a Fellow of the IEEE.
Prior to returning to academia in 2013, he spent over two decades in industry, in telecommunications research labs with Telia Research, Nokia Networks, and for more than twelve years with Huawei Technologies. In different roles he has been involved in three generations of mobile cellular communications systems. He developed base station receiver algorithms for GSM evolution systems. He was among those pioneering OFDM as an access scheme for cellular radio in a standard proposal for the third generation systems in 1997, and while with Huawei, he has been contributing to the preparation and specification of 3GPP's fourth generation LTE standard, for which he holds a number of essential patents.
More recently, he has been developing methods that effciently reduce spectral interference of radio transmitters, work for which he received the IEEE Communications Society Heinrich Hertz award.
Since 2012, Jaap engages in improving Internet access, wireless network connectivity and cellular radio coverage in rural and remote regions.