Jerker Delsing
Professor tillika ämnesföreträdare, Ämnesföreträdare
Forskningsämne: Cyberfysiska system
Avdelning: EISLAB
Institutionen för system- och rymdteknik
Luleå, A2308
Om mig
I was born 1957 in Umeå Sweden, received the M.Sc. in Engineering Physics at Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden 1982. In 1985 I received the degree of Licentiate in Technology and in 1988 the PhD. degree, both in Electrical Measurement at the Lund Institute of Technology. During 1985 - 1988 I also worked half time at Alfa-Laval - SattControl with development of sensors and measurement technology. Over the years 1989-1995 I was at the department of Heat and Power Engineering at the Lund Institute of Technology where I got the docent degree, May 1994, in Heat and Power Engineering. Early 1995 I was appointed professor in Industrial Electronics at Luleå University of Technology where I'm currently the chaired professor in Industrial Electronics at the EISLAB division, http://www.ltu.se/csee/research/eislab. Länk till annan webbplats. For the period 2004-2006 I was Dean of engineering faculty at Luleå University of Technology.
I have been the main supervisor of more than 40 students achieving the PhD degree.
I'm currently appointed to the board of Artemis, the European industry association for embedded systems. I also serve in the ECSEL SRA working group and I also a member of the ESTEP WG on Smart Production. I'm furthe at the board of the Vinnova SIP Smarter Electronics Systems.
Present research profile
My present research profile is focused on IoT, CPS, SoS and SoCPS with applications primarly to industrial automation and digitalsiation.
In this wast field the following are of particular interest to me:
- IoT and SoS architectures
- SoS Engineering
- Low power electronics and sensors
- Embedded EMC
Major current projects are:
- Productive4.0 where I'm WP1 lead on supply chain and product life cycle architecture. Projekt budget of 100M€ with 108 parters
- Arrowhead Tools, coordinated by me. Overall ambition is provision of engineering tools and integrated tool chains for efficieint engineering of automation and digitalsiation soulitons. Projekt budgt 0f 91M€ and 81 partners.
I'm in addition editor in chief for the Elsevier Journal, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation and a member of the editorial board of the Sensors journal by mdpi. I'm also currently referee for a number of other research journals. Further, I have been a member of the paper and scientific committee of several International conferences. In 1998 I have, as chairman of the organizing committee, arranged the FLOMEKO'98 conference, the world leading scientific conference on flow measurement. In 2001 I was chairman of the organization committee for the Science and Cyber Community conference in Luleå Sweden. I'm also continuously being appointed external examiner for dissertations for the PhD. degree and for expert reviews regarding research and chaired professor positions in several countries (Sweden, Finland, Norway, Australia, USA). I also make expert reviews for grant application in several countries including several EU research programs.
My industrial experience comes mainly from three years at Alfa-Laval Automation - SattControl and two spin-of companies from my research. Further I have been appointed to the board of directors in a number of independent companies as chairmen or board member. Currently I'm appointed to the board of directors in 1 independent companies.
1. J. Delsing was 1987 awarded the "Sydkraft Energy research award"2. J. Delsing was 1993 awarded "Vämeforsk Gas Research Price".