Lars-Göran Westerberg
Professor, Excellent lärare
Forskningsämne: Strömningslära
Avdelning: Strömningslära och experimentell mekanik
Institutionen för teknikvetenskap och matematik
Luleå, E815
Om mig
Background and research activities
With a master of science degree in space egineering I conducted doctoral studies within the field of fluid mechanics in 2002 and has been working within the discipline ever since. Today my activities cover both research, teaching and strategic assignments. I am the faculty programme director for the space engineering programme and also vice chairman of the board of employment at LTU.
My research cover:
- Lubrication - primarily grease lubrication and grease flow dynamics.This field includes rheology and flow of non-Newtoinian materials (shear thinning-, viscoelastic-, and multiphase materials), general continuum mechanics.
- Large scale plasma (solar wind) flow. Sun/Earth interaction: magnetic reconnection, ion escape from the terrrestrial atmosphere.
- Wind power: improvement and design of open gears (heavily connects to the general lubrication/grase flow activity).
- Multi-phase flows with application to SMC (Sheet Moulding Compound).
- Electromagnetic field theory F0007T. Examiner.
- Engineering science (programming in Matlab) F0051T/R0007R. Examiner.
- Continuum mechanics F7030T. Exercises.
- Advanced continuum mechanics F7023T. Lectures on constitutive modelling, non-Newtonian fluids, rheology and objectivity.
- Master's thesis project - specialization in Aerospace P7010R. Examiner.
- Plasma physics F7010R. Lectures on magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), diffusion, and instability.