Rucha Sawlekar
Forskningsämne: Robotik och artificiell intelligens
Avdelning: Signaler och system
Institutionen för system- och rymdteknik
Om mig
PostDoctoral Researcher - Robotics and AI, LTU (2020-Present)
I am currently a postdoctoral researcher with the Robotics and AI group within Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. My present research activities are oriented in neuromorphic computing where we explore efficiency of event-based computing. For this purpose, we are currently a part of Intel's Neuromorphic Research Community (INRC). We are also investigating the fusion modality for subterranean (SubT) environments using event camera and LiDAR for for fast and precise object and human detection in adverse lighting conditions in SubT environments.
Presently, I am involved in the management and technical implementation of European and VINNOVA funded R&D projects such as, OptiScrap, PureScrap, REBOOT Skills, REDOL and APARAIT.
Previous employment: Research associate - University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg (2016-2018)
After PhD, I joined Systems and Control Group (SCG) at Luxembourg Centre for Sytems Biomedicine (LCSB), University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg as a research associate. This work was conducted in collaboration with Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) with their time-series genome-wide data of human T-cells. Our research was focused on the dynamical data analysis and network inference of the gene regulatory network of 2 types of T-cells, T-reg and T-eff. The insights into their regulatory network was studied in order to identify the interconnections that affect the master regulator, FOXP3, one of the main protein involved in immune system responses and in turn, leading to autoimmune diseases.
PhD - University of Warwick, UK (2013-2016)
I received my PhD in Engineering (systems and synthetic biology) from University of Warwick, UK. My research work was focused in programming dynamics nonlinear biomolecular devices using DNA strand displacement reactions. The research involved modelling and design of synthetic DNA components, controllers and circuits to achieve the capability to implement robust embedded biomolecular feedback control systems. This work has wide range of applications from targeted drug delivery to DNA computing.