Sandeep Thapa
Avdelning: Geovetenskap och miljöteknik
Institutionen för samhällsbyggnad och naturresurser
Luleå, T2305
Om mig
My primary focus in the team of applied geochemistry is to trace the spatial and temporal variability in precipitation using the stable isotopic composition and to shed light on the isotopic implications of climate change. A unique precipitation sample set will be considered that will be analyzed using cutting-edge isotopic analysis techniques, together with the use of geochemical modelling. This will allow us to discern the fundamental mechanisms and gain an in-depth understanding of the environmental and climatic factors that influence precipitation. Additionally, this aids in understanding the isotopic signatures that are insufficiently constrained from the precipitation to the global cycle, particularly from the Northern Sweden.
My scientific background includes the expertise in sulfur and carbon budget from the Nepal Himalayas based on multi-disciplinary approaches. I focused on the multifaceted study of sulfur phases with the high precision measurement of multiple sulfur isotopes (32,33,34,36S) to better constrain the sulfur cycle at the seismogenic Himalayan orogenic belts. It encompasses the understanding of the crustal vs. shallow origin of H2S, the lithologic effect and the mechanism involved in producing the sulfur-bearing gas in the system. While, sulfur isotopic compositions helped explain induced fractionations between oxidized and reduced phases and identify bacterial and thermo-chemical sulfate reduction processes at play. Furthermore, the total carbon distribution is characterized at increasing spatial scales. It insights into the carbon source-to-sink duality of large orogens, the metamorphic processes and the carbon geochemical cycles.