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7,5 högskolepoäng, fortsättningskurs på avancerad nivå, B7007N
Höst 2019
The student acquires knowledge of concepts and models used in digital preservation, in a context of e-government and e-services, as well as perspectives from preservation institutions.
The students are introduced to the field of long-term
digital preservation, and the concepts and models that are common in digital
preservation. The course covers preservation concepts such as format,
significant properties, integrity, authenticity, and content types. The course
also introduces models that are used in digital preservation, such as the Open
Archival Information Systems (OAIS) model, which is widely used as a reference
model in work with digital preservation, and thereby good as a common base of
discussions. The course discusses the concepts in a context of e-government and
e-services, as well as from an archival institution point of view. At the end
of the course the students will be familiar with generic concepts in digital
preservation, and with the OAIS model as foundation have an understanding for
contextual problems and possibilities.
7,5 högskolepoäng, fortsättningskurs på avancerad nivå, B7007N
Höst 2019
The student acquires knowledge of concepts and models used in digital preservation, in a context of e-government and e-services, as well as perspectives from preservation institutions.
The students are introduced to the field of long-term
digital preservation, and the concepts and models that are common in digital
preservation. The course covers preservation concepts such as format,
significant properties, integrity, authenticity, and content types. The course
also introduces models that are used in digital preservation, such as the Open
Archival Information Systems (OAIS) model, which is widely used as a reference
model in work with digital preservation, and thereby good as a common base of
discussions. The course discusses the concepts in a context of e-government and
e-services, as well as from an archival institution point of view. At the end
of the course the students will be familiar with generic concepts in digital
preservation, and with the OAIS model as foundation have an understanding for
contextual problems and possibilities.