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The course is aimed mainly at exchange students and other foreign students and gives a broad overview over the Swedish history.
Students shall after this course be able to discuss Swedish history in broad outlines and give examples of essential historical contexts regarding politics, economy, technology, and environment, which have made Sweden’s transition from an agrarian society to an industrialised nation possible.
The course contents:The first settlers; Bronze age; Iron age; The Vikings; The middle ages; Consolidation as a nation; The period as Great power; Time of Liberty; The road to democracy; The industrial revolution; Social, technological and economical development during the 19th and 20th centuries; Swedish minorities and Swedish citizenship; Environmental degradation and policy of the 20th century; Sweden during the world wars and The modern welfare state.
För programstudenter
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-17
Svensk historia
Period 1 - 1, v. 36 2025 - v. 44 2025, ej modulsatt, LuleåNormalDagtid 50%Höst 2025
Period:Period 1 - 1, v. 36 2025 - v. 44 2025, ej modulsatt
Studieform:Dagtid 50%
Anmälan öppnar:2025-03-17
Sista ansökningsdag:2025-04-15
Förkunskapskrav:Grundläggande behörighet +
Engelska 6.
Urval:Urvalet grundas på betyg och högskoleprov
Kursen kan sökas som valfri kurs av programstudent vid LTU.
The course is aimed mainly at exchange students and other foreign students and gives a broad overview over the Swedish history.
Students shall after this course be able to discuss Swedish history in broad outlines and give examples of essential historical contexts regarding politics, economy, technology, and environment, which have made Sweden’s transition from an agrarian society to an industrialised nation possible.
The course contents:The first settlers; Bronze age; Iron age; The Vikings; The middle ages; Consolidation as a nation; The period as Great power; Time of Liberty; The road to democracy; The industrial revolution; Social, technological and economical development during the 19th and 20th centuries; Swedish minorities and Swedish citizenship; Environmental degradation and policy of the 20th century; Sweden during the world wars and The modern welfare state.