24 November 2023
The first step taken towards the campus of the future in Luleå
A letter of intent has now been signed with Akademiska Hus regarding a restructuring of the campus transition at Luleå University of Technology. This is an important step in the plans to build a campus of the future in Luleå that meets the increased need for flexible, modern premises and advanced technical lab operations.
“We from Luleå University of Technology are very happy that we now have a letter of intent with Akademiska Hus regarding the future Luleå Campus. This gives us the conditions to modernize the University's premises and ensure that our study environments, workplaces and research infrastructures are fit for purpose and meet the expectations that we and the surrounding society have of us now and in the future. The participation of our employees and students is crucial for us to succeed in creating an attractive and functional future campus in Luleå”, says Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn, Vice-Chancellor at Luleå University of Technology.
The letter of intent means that Campus Luleå will be developed to meet the University's needs for premises for education and research. Two new University buildings for laboratories, offices and teaching will be built on the plots where building D and building F are today. Where building E is today, a park or similar green space will be created that can also serve as reserve land for Luleå University of Technology's future needs.
“It feels wonderful that the letter of intent is now complete. It is an important first step that clarifies our conditions and lays the foundation for the rest of the project and the collaboration with Akademiska Hus. The next step is to draw up a goal and vision document so that the future image of the Luleå Campus becomes even clearer, and the operations at the University must of course be given good conditions even while the transition is underway,” says Maria Lundgren, University Director at Luleå University of Technology.
The starting point for the letter of intent is that the investments in new buildings should strengthen the business and result in a modern and future-proof environment for lab operations, studies, and offices. The ambition is that the transformation of the campus should have as low a carbon footprint as possible, while the new buildings will have a shape and design that meets today's requirements and will also last well into the future. Market rent applies to the University's new buildings, which is favorable for Luleå University of Technology.
“We are very happy that Akademiska Hus together with Luleå University of Technology have signed a letter of intent for the future University campus in Luleå. We see this as a major common step towards a sustainable and long-term designed campus, which meets both current and future needs and creates space for the University's continued development,” says Caroline Arehult, CEO of Akademiska Hus.
In the continued work, which will be completed by the second quarter of 2024, includes, among other things, developing goals and vision documents, a main plan and a timetable for the campus transition. Existing offices, labs, and teaching premises on the Luleå campus will continue to be used as they are today until further notice. The restructuring of the campus will require further decisions by the boards of both Luleå University of Technology and Akademiska Hus to be achieved.