Åsa Ericson
Research subject: Cyber security
Division: Computer Science
Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering
Luleå, A3306
About me
Associate Professor (PhD)
Åsa Ericson (ÅER), has, besides a professional background in development of services for railway transportations, a MSc in Informatics and Systems Science at Luleå University of Technology. The informatics part is based on the Scandinavian tradition, thus has a strong focus on user oriented design of information systems. The systems science part is based on soft systems thinking and contributes with an approach to make different user needs explicit. These two parts together, integrates user needs with technical aspects in early phases of product development. Åsas research interest is focusing on sharing of experience based knowledge in multifunctional design team; this is prevalent in her licentiate thesis which was presented in February 2006. The perspective to identify and analyse needs that Åsas research work is focusing is used to improve existing products, but is particularly useful for innovations. The approach in Åsas research is mainly aiming for increased understanding; the emphasis is on generating insights into people’s experiences, interpretations and comprehensions. These aspects have an affect on the work in the design team, and might also be a key to how user needs are communicated into the design work. Åsa has also a background in ProViking research school. She presented her doctoral thesis in December 2007.
- CiiR
- Faste Laboratory
- ProViking THINK
If you would like to talk to Åsa about something else than her work, she's interested in:
- Luleå archipelago - snowmobile in the wintertime and by boat in the summer
- dark chocolate
- cross-country skiing, kendo