Bjarne Bergquist
Professor and Head of Subject
Research subject: Quality Technology and Logistics
Division: Business Administration and Industrial Engineering
Department of Social Sciences, Technology and Arts
Luleå, A2600
About me
Research interests
My research is within Quality Management and Quality Methods.
I have often studied different aspects about those tools or methods we use to collect and analyze process information, such as Design of Experiments, Multivariate Analysis, Time Series Analysis or dynamic process simulations. The studies have dealt with aspects such as useability, or how the tools could be improved to better different situations.
Other research interests lye in the usefulness and appropriateness of improvement concepts such as Six Sigma, lean manufacturing, Total Quality Management and so on.
Here is a link to my publications on ResearchGate External link.
My educational duties have under the last few years been limited. Most courses I teach on are found within the research education programme. I am the examiner for masters theses for the master students in the subject.