Carina Lundmark
Associate Professor
Research subject: Political Science
Division: Social Sciences
Department of Social Sciences, Technology and Arts
Luleå, A314
About me
Carina Lundmark is associate professor in Political Science with long and diverse teaching experience on undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Her main research interests concern participatory challenges in natural resource management (e.g. wildlife, water and marine management), for instance addressing prospects for deliberation and learning. Lundmark currently participates in three research projects:
The Swedish City’s transition to a sustainable energy system - Can models support the decision-making process?
Funding: The Swedish Energy Agency, the research program Human, Energy Systems and Society (MESAM)
Partners:LTU (Energy Science and Political Science)
Duration: 2018-2021
Contact persons: Anna Krook Riekkola and Carina Lundmark
Multi-functional street-scale blue green infrastructure - translating potential into actual ecosystem services delivery
Funding: Formas
Partners: Ohio State University, Tyréns
Duration: 2022-2024
Contact: Lian Lundy, Godecke Blecken, Pär Sagrelius, Maria Viklander and Carina Lundmark
BlueGreen Infrastructure for a Sustainable Climate Adaptation of the Future City
Funding: Formas
Partners: SLU, Östersunds kommun, Dag&Nät
Duration: 2021-2025
Contact: Godecke Blecken, Maria Viklander and Carina Lundmark
Greywater for REuse: Where, why and how? (GREW)
Funding: Formas
Partners: LTU (Urban Water Engineering and Political Science), SLU and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Duration: 2022-2026
Contact: Inga Herrmann, Annelie Hedström, Elisabeth Kvarnström, Maria Viklander and Carina Lundmark