Dag Avango
Professor and Head of Subject
Research subject: History
Division: Social Sciences
Department of Social Sciences, Technology and Arts
Luleå, A306
About me
Dag Avango is a professor of history, specializing in history of science, technology and environment, and in cultural heritage. His research lies at the interface between archeology and history, combining theoretical approaches and methods from history, archeology, critical heritage studies and STS. In his research, Avango has examined the interaction between people and things in historical processes of change. His focus has been on the history and cultural heritage of the Arctic and Antarctic, exploring and explaining historical processes of change and their consequences for environments and societies, in particular the extractive industries. Avango has conducted and promoted historical research and education of relevance for important societal challenges in the present.
Dag Avango is the Director of The Arctic Six – a partnership between the Luleå University of Technology (LTU), Umeå University, University of Oulu, University of Lapland and Nord University and UiT - Norways Arctic University. Dag Avango is also the Director of the Centre for the Arctic and Antarctic at LTU and represents LTU in the European Polar Board (EPB) and in the University of the Arctic. Furthermore, Avango is representative of Sweden in the Social, Economic and Cultural Expert Group (SECEG), Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG) of the Arctic Council, and representative of Sweden within the International Polar Heritage Committee (IPHC), an International Scientific Committee within ICOMOS. Avango is also a member of the National committee for history of science and technology, Royal Academy of Sciences and a member of Jernkontorets Bergshistoriska utskotts expertkommittee.