Lennart Elfgren
Senior Professor
Research subject: Structural Engineering
Division: Structural and Fire Engineering
Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
Luleå, T2221, F969
About me
Research Interests and Projects
Design and Assessment of Structures
fib T2.9 Fastenings to structural concrete and masonry, see COM2: Analysis & design (fib-international.org) External link.
Finished projects:
COST Action TU1416 - Quality specifications for roadway bridges, standardization at a European level, see, see Action TU1406 - COST External link.
Mainline - MAINtenance, renewaL and improvement of rail transport INfrastructure to reduce Economic and environmental impacts.A European Research Project with 19 partners from 11 countries within FP7, 2011-2014. A summary and 26 reports are available at http://www.mainline-project.eu/
Sustainable Bridges - A European Research Project with 32 partners from 12 countries within FP6, 2003 - 2008. Background documents and the following four Guidelines and can be downloaded: (1) Inspection and Condition Assessment (SB-ICA), 259 pp; (2) Load and Resistance Assessment of Railway Bridges (SB-LRA), 428 pp; (3) Guideline for Monitoring of Railway Bridges (SB-MON), 93 pp; and (4) Guide for use of Repair and Strengthening Methods for Railway Bridges (SB-STR), 139 pp. See: FULLTEXT01.pdf (diva-portal.org) External link.