Farid Akhtar
Research subject: Engineering Materials
Division: Materials Science
Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics
Luleå, E304
About me
About Me: I have B. Sc. and M. Sc. in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering from University of Engineering and Technology Lahore Pakistan. I received my doctorate in Materials Science and Engineering from University of Science and Technology Beijing, China in 2007 under supervision of Professor Guo Shiju. I carried out postdoctoral research in Professor Lennart Bergström’s group at Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry at Stockholm University in 2007. Later, I worked as researcher at Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry. I have joined Luleå University of Technology in March 2014.
Research Focus:
My research focuses on synthesis and processing of porous materials for gas separation and storage and designing and tailoring of microstructure and properties of metallic, intermetallic and ceramic materials for high temperature applications. Look at ongoing projects and publications for more details.
Available Positions:
- I have postdoctoral scholarship opportunities available on processing and characterization of porous materials. Send you CV to me if you are motivated and have suitable background.
- I have opportunities available for master students to carry out master thesis on processing and characterization of porous ceramics. It will be performed in together with our industrial partners. We offer financial support as well. Send you CV to me if you are motivated and have suitable background.
Current Group Members/Students:
Postdoctoral Fellows:
- Dr. Akeem Akinwekomi, 2021-ongoing
- Dr. Sadegh Nabavi, 2021-ongoing
- Dr. Qiuwei Xing, 2019-ongoing
- Dr. Hanbin He, 2019-ongoing
PhD Students:
- Mr. Zhejian Cao, 2017-ongoing, Main Supervisor
- Miss Ana-Carolina Feltrin, 2020-ongoing, Main Supervisor
- Miss Marina Cirans I Oset, 2019-Ongoing, Main Supervisor
- Mr. Nasir Shezad, 2020-ongoing, Main Supervisor
- Miss Libania Velarde Arnez, 2020-Ongoing, Co-supervisor
- Mr. Zeyu Li, 2018-ongoing, Main Supervisor
Former Group Members/Students:
Postdoctoral Fellows:
- Dr. Saleh Hooshmand, Hierarchically Porous Ceramics. 2017-2019
- Dr. Kamran Saeidi, SLM of Stainless Steels. 2017-2019
- Dr. Dariush Nakjoo, Structuring of Porous Sorbents for CO2 Capture. 2016-2018
- Dr. Fangyuan Gai, Structuring of Metal-Organic Frameworks. 2015-2016.
- Dr. Dilshod Shakarova, “Synthesis of nano-zeolites for rapid CO2 adsorption” Principal Supervisor, postdoctoral fellow funded by Swedish Institute from September 2012 to February 2014.
PhD Students:
- Dr Hanzhu Zhang, 2016-2020, Main Supervisor. Curently working at SSAB.
- Dr. Sajid Ali, 2016-2020, Main Supervisor, Currently postdoctoral Fellow at Chalmers University.
- Dr. Kritika Narang, 2016-20, Main supervisor, Currently working at NorthVolt.
- Dr. Sadegh Nabavi, 2018-2020, Main Supervisor, Currently working as Postdoctoral Fellow at Engineering Materials at LTU.
- Miss Nadja Maria Vinkel, 2016, Co-Supervisor
- Neda Keshavarzi; PhD Student at Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Stockholm University. Graduated in 2014.
- Arto Ojuva; PhD Student at Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Stockholm University. Graduated in 2014.
Master Students:
- Miss Freja Hansson, Detection of Contaminants in Water Using Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, 2021.
- Mr. Romain Couval, Scale up of a Test Fluid for testing the Fuel System Robustness against Soft Particles in Biodiesels, 2021.
- Arailym Umirova, Porous Ceramics for Thermal insulation, 2021
- From 2018-2020, I supervised over 20 master thesis and project students.
- Vivek Kumar, Microporous organic polymers for gas storage, 30hp, 2017, Luleå University of Technology. Status: Completed.
- Valeri Petkov, 30hp, 2017, Luleå University of Technology. Status: Completed.
- Oriol Artola Pla, Nanolaminated chemeleon coatings by ALD, 30hp, 2017, Luleå University of Technology. Status: Completed.
- Matthieu Billaud, Processing, microstructure and properties of TiAL intermetallic, 30hp, 2017, Luleå University of Technology. Status: Completed.
- Marina Ciurans Oset, Processing and characterization of porous ceramics developed using expandable polymer spheres. 30hp, 2017, Luleå University of Technology. Status: Completed.
- Julia Nilsson, Design and fabrication of insulation materials with ultra-low thermal conductivity, 30hp, 2017, Luleå University of Technology. Status: Completed.
- Daniel Costas, Characterization of high entropy alloys, 30hp, 2017, Luleå University of Technology. Status: Completed.
- Catherine Le, Performance Evaluation of Ion-exchanged zeolite adsorbents in swing adsorption for carbon dioxide separation, 30hp, 2017, Luleå University of Technology. Status: Completed.
- Amara Dil, Synthesis of porous materials for methane gas storage, 30hp, 2017, Luleå University of Technology. Status: Completed.
- Alexe Rene, Pulsed current processing of high temperature and high entropy intermetallic alloys. 30hp, 2016, Luleå University of Technology. Status: Completed.
- Virginie Perrot, Structuring of adsorbents for biogas upgrading. 30hp, 2016, Luleå University of Technology. Status: Completed.
- Romain Saintlan, Recycling of MoSi2 heating element to process MoO3 based photocatalytic materials. 30hp, 2016, Luleå University of Technology. Status: Completed.
- Kristina Fodor, 30hp, Optimization of adsorbents for biogas upgrading and storage. 2016, Luleå University of Technology. Status: Completed.
- Walid Haziz, Processing, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Porous Ceramics using Expandable Polymer Spheres as Template. 2015, Luleå University of Technology. Status: Completed. The thesis was performed in collaboration with AKZO-NOBEL AB.
- Marcus Bauer, Principal Supervisor, 2013, Freeze-casting of zeolite A for gas separation. Master Thesis 30hp. Stockholm University. Status: Completed
- Sajid Ahmed, Principal Supervisor 2012, Spark plasma sintering of gradient silicalite-1 supports for all-zeolite membranes. Master Thesis 30hp. Stockholm University. Status: Completed.
- Damian Hodel, Principal Supervisor, 2011, Porosity characterization of Gradient silicalite-1 supports for all-zeolite membranes by image analysis. Master Thesis 30hp. Stockholm University. Status: Completed.
- Neda Keshavarzi, Principal Supervisor, 2010-2011, Highly porous hierarchically porous zeolite monoliths for CO2 capture. Master Thesis 45hp. Stockholm University. Status: Completed.
- Yaser Rehman, Principal Supervisor, 2009, Pressureless consolidation of hierarchically porous diatomite Monoliths, Master Thesis. University of Engineering and Technology Lahore. Status: Completed.
- Muhammad Adil, Principal Supervisor, 2009, Sintering, microstructure and mechanical properties of TiC reinforced steel matrix composites, Master thesis, Principal. University of Engineering and Technology Lahore. Status: Completed.
I am examiner of the following courses offered at Engineering Materials
- T7001T, Deformation and Fracture, 7.5 ECTS, http://www.ltu.se/edu/course/T70/T7001T/T7001T-Deformation-och-brott-1.69509
External link.
- T7003T, Materials Characterization, 7.5 ECTS, http://www.ltu.se/edu/course/T70/T7003T/T7003T-Materialtekniska-Analysmetoder-1.69517?kursView=kursplan
External link.
- T7008T, Phase Transformations, 7.5 ECTS, http://www.ltu.se/edu/course/T70/T7008T/T7008T-Fasomvandlingar-1.69534
External link.
Ongoing Projects:
Hållbar Isolering (2020-2022), Sustainable insulation material for post insulation of buildings. Funded by VINNOVA.
Plasma Atomized WC (2019-2023),Plasma Atomized Tungsten Carbide for Wear Resistant Coatings, Funded by Swedish Foundation of Strategic Research.
Nano Biogas (2019-2022), Nanoscale hierarchically porous carriers for advanced biomethane. Funded by Science Council VR.
NANOCONTROL (2017-2021), Nanoscale design of Ammonia Carriers for Air Pollution Control Funded by Formas.
HighGradeGas (2016-2020) - Highly Structured materials for upgraded biogas and storage, Funded by Innovation Fund Denmark. http://energiforskning.dk/en/node/8620 External link.
TMTEST (2016-2020)- Thermomechanical and Tribology Infrastructure funded by Swedish Foundation of Strategic Research. http://stratresearch.se/en/research/ongoing-research/research-infrastructure-fellows-2014/project/7194/ External link.and http://www.paneuropeannetworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/ST21-Dept-ESM_21275-pro.pdf
External link.
Functional Intermetallics (2016-2018)- Functional Intermetallic Materials for Energy Applications from Novel Processing Routes. A bilateral project between China University of Mining and Technlogy China and Luleå University of Technology Sweden funded by STINT Sweden and NSFC China.
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Farid_Akhtar
External link.
- https://scholar.google.se/citations?user=jkw8cDsAAAAJ&hl=en
External link.
- http://www.paneuropeannetworks.com/pen-partners/thermo-mechanical-and-tribology-infrastructure-tmtest/
External link.
Upcoming Events:
- http://www.applied-energy.org/icae2018/#Programm
Porous Materials for Biogas Upgrading and Storage
“Porous Materials for Biogas Upgrading and Storage” specifically addresses newest advances and challenges in biogas upgrading and storage by novel materials and their structuring, including research and development on synthesis and shaping, adsorption and membrane tests, durability, techno-economical evaluation, modelling and life-cycle analysis.