Godecke-Tobias Blecken
Research subject: Urban Water Engineering
Division: Architecture and Water
Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
Luleå, T3024
Godecke Blecken’s main research focus is on urban stormwater management. Godecke has done comprehensive work on the function and development of blue green infrastrutcutre (BGI) such as stormwater bioretention, permeable pavements, infiltration systems, ponds, constructed wetlands, green roofs and prefabricated compact stormwater treatment devices.
Further, works with stormwater quality and the impact of stormwater discharges on receiving water bodies.
An important part of Godecke’s research deals with the investigation of the function of stormwater control measures in demanding climates and their adaptation to these. Another main research topic is related to the long-term function of stormwater control measures and their maintenance needs. There is a clear risk that existing measures do not perform sufficiently e.g. due to a lack of maintenance. Current projects deal further with treatment of pollutants of emerging concern and with the function of stormwater management on catchment scale. The research also evalautes the impact of stormwater discharges on natural ecosystems. Further, Godecke works with evaluating ecosystem services, sustainability analyses and the public perception of blue green infrastructure.
MSc, University of Rostock, Landscape management & use and environmental protection, 2004
PhD, Luleå University of Technology, Urban Water Engineering, Biofiltration technologies for stormwater quality treatment, 2010
Research Centers
Stormwater treatment facilities
- ISWIM - Innovative stormwater impact mitigation (2023-2028)
- NBS pRECision cONdition Assessment (NBS-RECON) (2024-2025)
- Microplastics accumulated in swales (2023-2024)
- Roadside soils for stormwater treatment (2024-2027)
- BlueGreen Infrastructure for a Sustainable Climate Adaptation of the Future City (2021-2025)
- SODA - Collaboration for sustainable stormwater management on neighbourhood level (2021-2025)
- Stormwater treatment in densely built cities - an overlooked challenge (2021-2023)
- Developing a standard for stormwater treatment devices (2024-2025)
- Bioretention: from copy‐pasted standard solutions to sophisticated design (2016-2022)
- Opportunities of integrated systems for sustainable groundwater and stormwater management (2021-2024)
- Achieving multifunctional, holistic and sustainable stormwater management in existing development (2022-2025)
Stormwater quality
- Stormwater runoff from railway infrastructure – pollutant management (2021-2022)
- Nutrients in stormwater, 2023
- Effect based methods for characterising stormwater (2024-2025)
Receiving Water Impact
- Occurence of stormwater pollutants in receiving water bodies (2021-2023)
- Using eDNA to evaluate the impact of wet weather flows on the ecology of urban streams (2024-2025)
Stormwater management & Ecosystem Services
Collaboration & Communication