Helena Viklund
About me
I work as a service assistant for Local Services, which is part of the Real Estate and Service business area. Local service is responsible for providing service to employees and students. Our mission is to create a good internal work environment and a good study environment. Local service consists of a number of different competence groups and we offer services such as cleaning with extra services, coffee service, conference service in Wibergsgården, logistics and equipment, mail and goods. My main duties are cleaning. Local service is divided into two teams where Maria Teresa Viegas Ferraz and Susanne Krook are group managers. I belong to the cleaning team Please visit https://www.ltu.se/internt/Tjanster-och-stod/tjanster to take part in our services. I can be reached most easily via 0920-49 3441 or via Helena.Viklund@ltu.se Welcome to contact me!