Heléne Österlund
Associate Professor
Research subject: Urban Water Engineering
Division: Architecture and Water
Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
Luleå, T3017
About me
Heléne Österlund’s main scientific interests are related to stormwater and snow quality and includes the sources to the pollutants present in stormwater and snow, and alternative options for sampling. The research involves field sampling of stormwater and snow in urban catchments but also includes laboratory experiments. The studies aim to characterise various impervious surfaces commonly found in the urban environment and which may leach pollutants to the environment via stormwater runoff, characterise in which chemical forms the pollutants are transported in stormwater as well as pollutant pathways in snow and snowmelt. In order to determine in which fractions and phases pollutants are present a range of various sampling and measurement techniques are applied such as passive sampling with DGT (difffusive gradients in thin films) and ultra filtration. The pollutants in focus are metals and organic micro pollutants as well as nutrients and microplastics.
- Stormwater&Sewers
- µpstream: reducing the presence of micropollutants spread by stormwater flows (2024-2025)
- Screening PFAS in stormwater (2024-2025)
- Impact of the stormwater on ecology of urban streams (2024-2025)
- Effect-based analysis of urban stormwater (2024-2025)
- Urban stormwater research in cold climates: an evidence synthesis (2023-2024)