Lina Hällström
Associate Senior Lecturer
Research subject: Applied Geochemistry
Division: Geosciences and Environmental Engineering
Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
Luleå, T2304
About me
By combining geochemistry with mineralogy, I study EU-Critical Raw Materials' occurrence, mobility, transport to groundwater and surface water. The focus is mainly on rare earth metals (REE), beryllium (Be), fluorine (F) and tungsten (W), but several other elements are also of interest such as Bi, Ge, In, Sn. Research on this is limited, but important, in order to implement an environmentally sustainable transition to a fossil-free society. Clean groundwater and surface water are an important natural resource that must be protected, and my research is focusing on preventive measures to prevent the metals leaching to the terrestrial environment.
Critical Metals in Sweden's Groundwater External link.
Groundwater: Self-sufficiency, Resilience and Sustainability External link.
High-tech critical elements in historical tailings External link.