Inga Herrmann
Associate Professor
Research subject: Urban Water Engineering
Division: Architecture and Water
Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
Luleå, T3010
Inga's research focus is on decentralised and sustainable water and wastewater systems including on-site and small-scale wastewater treatment and source-separating sanitation systems. Her projects deal with low-tech and soil-based wastewater and greywater treatment, management of greywater and blackwater, treatment and recovery processes as well as systems analysis.
Inga's ORCID: 0000-0003-0520-796X
- ArcticSewlutions - Sewage management in cold and sparsely populated regions
- ProWater - The use of industrial side products as secondary resources in wastewater treatment
- Greywater reuse - GREW
- Sustainable urban fertilizer - SURFER
- Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment: Adaptation to cold climate
- The untapped potential of greywater: Decentralised treatment for blue-green urban spaces
- AquaClim - Triplicate
- Stormwater&Sewers – A Competence Network in Urban Water Engineering
- Creaternity – sustainable material use in a connected and circular economy