Isabella Concina
Research subject: Experimental physics
Division: Materials Science
Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics
Luleå, E299
Professional preparation
Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences (06/04/2006, University of Padova, Supervisor: Prof. Marco Zecca)
Master Degree in Chemistry (110/110), University of Padova (Italy), 27/03/2002
Post-doc universities/research centers
May 2009 – Dec. 2012: Research Fellow at National Research Council, Institute for Acoustics and Sensors (CNR-IDASC), SENSOR Laboratory, Brescia, Italy (Scientific Supervisor: Prof. G. Sberveglieri)
May 2006 – May 2009: Research Fellow at National Research Council, Institute of Biophysics (CNR-IBF), Palermo, Italy (Scientific Supervisor: Dr. P. L. Sanbiagio)
Oct. 2005-April 2006: Laboratory technician at the Regional Agency for Environment Prevention and Protection (ARPAV), Padova, Italy
January 2021 – present: Full Professor of Experimental Physics (Department of Engineering Science and Mathematics, Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Sweden)
January 2018 – January 2021: Associate Professor of Experimental Physics (Department of Engineering Science and Mathematics, Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Sweden)
October 2016 – January 2018: Senior Lecturer of Experimental Physics (Department of Engineering Science and Mathematics, Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Sweden)
December 2012- September 2016: Assistant Professor of Experimental Physics (University of Brescia – UNIBS- Italy)
November 2015 – September 2016: Researcher (50%) in Experimental Physics at Luleå University of Technology – LTU – Sweden)
Publication summary (Google Scholar, Sep. 2024)
> 90 scientific articles in peer-reviewed international journals. 6 review papers. 2 book chapters. Citations: 4326, h-index: 38.
>100 contributions at international conferences, among which 43 invited talks and 1 keynote.
10 relevant publications
S.G. Khasevani et al., J. Catal. 410, 307, 2022 | I. Concina et al., J. Phys. Chem Lett. 6, 2489, 2015 |
G. Solomon et al., Adv. En. Mat. 11, 2101324, 2021 | I. Concina et al., Small 11, 1743, 2015 |
P. Ghamgosar et al., Nano Energy 51, 308, 2018 | I. Concina et al., J. Power Sources 240, 736, 2013 |
I. Concina et al, Adv. En. Mater. 7, 1700706, 2017 | N. Memarian et al., Angew. Chemie 123, 12317, 2011 |
R. Milan et al., ACS Appl. Mat. Interf. 8, 7766, 2016 | I. Concina et al., Chem. Commun. 47, 11656, 2011 |
Tutoring and teaching
Supervisor of 5 PhD candidates, 4 postdocs and over 10 bachelor/master thesis students. All Isabella’s PhD students have found jobs (around the world: Italy, Sweden, Canada) in no more than 4 months after completing their degree.
Teaching in 4 physics courses at Luleå University of Technology (Physics 1, Physics 3, Mechanics and Experimental Methods and Atomic and Molecular Physics for which she is the examiner).
Teacher in international schools in materials science in Cuba and Slovenja.
Member of committees for the evaluation of PhD theses at national/international level (Ferrara Uiversity, Italy, Ph.D. in Physics; Verona University, Italy, Ph.D. in Chemistry; Tampere University of Technology, Finland, Ph.D. in Chemistry; Umeå University, Department of Physics; Uppsala University, Dept. of Chemistry).
Reviewer for international funding agencies all over the world (East Europe, Far East, South America), among which the ERC (Advanced Grant) and the PathFinderOpen established by European Commission.
Project Management
Isabella has been Principal Investigator of 9 national and international research projects, focusing on the development of functional nanomaterials to be applied in different fields (photovoltaics, photodetectors, catalysis for water remediation) and for the education of early stage researchers. She has been team responsible in 4 projects at different levels (2 European projects, 1 national project -Italy - and 1 regional project – Italy).
Entrepreneurial achievements
When working in Italy, at University of Brescia, Isabella was the leader of a collaborative project with a medium size enterprise, for which she developed anodes for dye-sensitized solar cells to be commercialized.
Editorial Board Membership
- Heliyon, a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal published by Elservier;
- Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing group;
- Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Springer