Jarkko Erikshammar
Senior Lecturer
Research subject: Construction Management and Building Technology
Division: Industrialized and sustainable construction
Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
Luleå, T2025
About me
Research profile
My area of research focuses on understanding and developing operations management as a catalyst for creating a sustainable, industrialized, and innovative construction and built environment. While operations management is essential for sustainable development in all industries, the unique project-based structure of the construction industry poses additional challenges. This structure leads to fragmented supply networks and the division of information into individual silos, resulting in suboptimization. Therefore, successfully implementing change management in this context requires a process-oriented approach, digitalisation and the integration of organizations and individual construction projects.
I teach in Industrialized Construction (7,5 credits, course, master's level, W7004B), Construction Supply Chain Management (7,5 credits, course, master's level, P7014B) and Construction Management (7,5 credits, course, master's level, W7010B) in our Civil engineering and Architecture master programmes. I am also an examiner in the Construction Supply Chain Management course. I supervise doctoral students at Industrial and Sustainable Construction, and degree projects within the Civil engineering and Architecture master programmes.