Jesper Stage
Professor, Chaired Professor
Research subject: Economics
Division: Social Sciences
Department of Social Sciences, Technology and Arts
Luleå, A406
About me
I defended my PhD in economics at Umeå University in 2003 and became associate professor there in 2005. I became senior lecturer at the University of Gothenburg in 2007 and full professor at Mid Sweden University in 2010. Since 2014 I have been professor and chair of the economics unit at Luleå University of Technology.
N0004N Microeconomics for third year economics students
G0015N Internships for economics students
N0034N Course convenor, bachelor's thesis course in economics
N7009N Course convenor, master's thesis course in economics
I have done research on environmental and natural resource management issues in developing countries, mainly in Africa, since my doctoral studies. I have published over 50 articles in this area with the Swedish Research Council, Sida, the World Bank, and the Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation as main funders. I have participated in capacity building projects on behalf of Sida, the World Bank, and Canadian IDRC. I participate in the international Environment for Development network, a network for researchers working on environmental and natural resource economics in developing countries, and am a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' committee for global environmental change.
I have done research on economic aspects of water environment issues, mainly environmental issues related to hydropower, as well as environmental issues related to energy supply in general, since 2010. I have published a book and some ten articles in this area and have received support mainly from Energiforsk (formerly Elforsk) and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, but also from e.g. Formas, the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, the Swedish Energy Agency, and the Hydroelectric Environmental Fund for this research. I am a member of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) working groups on the North Sea and on the Baltic Sea and of the Bothnia Bay water delegation.
My "futuristically" oriented research, where I combine economics with long term scenarios for the future, is much smaller in terms of research time and funding but is probably the part of my research that garners the most media attention. I currently lead a Formas-funded project where we study the general public's attitudes to using biotechnology in conservation, and I was part of the academic reference group for a Formas project on visualising future climate scenarios. I also regularly give talks on economics and science fiction at science fiction conventions.