Johan Miyatani
Doctoral Student
Research subject: Political Science
Division: Social Sciences
Department of Social Sciences, Technology and Arts
Luleå, A326
About me
I am a PhD student in Political Science since 2022. I am part of the research school PROFS (practice based educational research). I am also active within the PhD association as the representative for PhD students within the Department of Social Sciences, Technology and Arts (ETKS, 2023-). Furthermore I am the editor for the research subject of Political Science at LTU (2024-), being in charge of the Pol. Sci. website, as well as being the coordinator for the SWEPSA (Swedish Political Science Association) environmental group (2022-).
My research
My research is about learning for sustainable development, collective action & social dilemmas, and the role of education within the process of socialization.
I primarily teach within the teacher educations at LTU, but have also taught within the LTU political science bachelor program as well as on self-contained courses.
Currently I am teaching in:
H0035N, Lokalsamhället, miljö, kultur och teknik External link.
H0036N, Sverige och Norden i världen, samhälle, natur och kultur External link.
H0047N, Skolan och samhället: förr och nu External link.
P0005N, Teorier om människa och samhälle External link.
P0006N, Sveriges politiska och rättsliga system External link.
L0010N, Hållbar Utveckling External link.
Previously I also taught:
S0008N, Internationell politik External link.
S0026N, Politik och policy i den Europeiska Unionen External link.