Johanna Lindberg
Research subject: Information systems
Division: Digital Services and Systems
Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering
Luleå, A3415a
I defended my thesis "Empowering and Inclusive Societal Rural Digital Transformation" the 7th November 2024, with a focus on how digital services can enhance the ability to live and work in rural areas. Most of my research is conducted in collaboration with people and organisations in rural communities, where we explore the needs required to improve everyday life and foster engagement in digital change. My colleagues and I have developed and adapted Living Labs methods specifically for rural contexts to understand and address these needs. We call this Rural Living Labs – a method for driving everyday change involving the people affected by digitalization. Now I am a researcher, projectleader and a teacher at this division.
Before joining Luleå University of Technology, I spent over 20 years in regional and local development across various fields, including environment, services, gender equality, and digitalisation. I have also actively contributed to developing political goal management, both as a researcher and public official.