Jonas Ekman
Professor and Head of Subject, Professor
Research subject: Electronic systems
Division: Embedded Intelligent Systems LAB
Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering
Luleå, A2313a
About me
I'm Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering performing research on electromagnetic modeling. In this area, we have been working with developing the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (PEEC) method since 1999. Our main academic partner is University of L'Aquila (IT). We have performed a multitude of projects in the areas of:
- power systems,
- antenna systems,
- device modeling etc.
For futher information on my work, please browse through the publications below or contact me for further discussions.
From 2009, I was Head of the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department, then from 2011 for the Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering Department. Since 2023, I am chairing the Electronic Systems group.
- EMC Technology, E7031E (link to course page
External link.)
- High Frequency Electronic Systems (PhD course)
- Basic and advanced PEEC modeling (PhD courses)
Graduated Phd students:
- Maria De Lauretis, Multiconductor transmission lines wideband modeling: A delay-rational Green’s-function-based method, LTU November 2018. ISBN (print): 978-91-7790-214-0.
- Andreas Hartman, Electromagnetic Modeling with Complex Dielectrics: A Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Approach, LTU March 2019. ISBN (print): 978-91-7790-302-4.
- Sohrab Safavi, Co-Simulation of Coupled Electromagnetic and Nonlinear Circuit Problems using the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Method, LTU May 2014. ISBN (print) 978-91-7439-896-0.
- Danesh Daroui, Efficient PEEC-based Solver for Complex Electromagnetic Problems in Power Electronics, LTU Jan. 2013. ISBN (print) 978-91-7439-527-3.
- Tore Lindgren, Characterization problems in radio measurement systems, LTU Dec. 2009. ISBN (print) 978-91-7439-034-6.
Research projects (running)
2018. Vetenskapsrådet/Swedish Research Council project on "Advanced skin effect models for future 3D wide bandgap power modules". More info at SweCRIS: https://www.swecris.se/betasearch/details/project/201805252VR External link.
Research projects (a selection of finalized)
2013. Swedish national grid. Research project on modeling drives in energy production plants.
2010 Elforsk. Research projects on Equivalent circuit based solver for electromagnetic analysis of power electronic systems - Application to busbar and IGBT modules.
2008. Volvo CE. Research project on EMC/EMI in Hybrid Vehicles.
2005. Vetenskapsrådet/Swedish Research Council. International PostDoc: Development of Stability Conditions for Full Wave Integral Equation based Electro-magnetic Solver. Ref. nr. 623-2004-2969.
2005. Elforsk. Research project on A New Method for Combined Electric and Electromagnetic Modeling of Power Distribution Systems.