Kumar Babu Surreddi
Associate Professor
Research subject: Engineering Materials
Division: Materials Science
Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics
Luleå, E312
As a researcher and teacher in Engineering Materials group, I focus on teaching, supervision, research and collaboration. My expertise includes microstructure characterization and the mechanical properties of metallic materials, particularly in the areas of powder metallurgy, additive manufacturing, and metalworking. I work with both conventional metallic materials such as steel and non-ferrous metals such as titanium alloys and nickel-based alloys, as well as advanced construction materials.
I am responsible for the following courses offered at the division of materials science:
- T0021T, Material and manufacturing, 7.5 credits
External link, opens in new window.
- T7001T, Deformation and fracture, 7.5 credits
External link, opens in new window.
- T7028T, Metal Working, 7.5 credits
External link, opens in new window.
I teach some modules in the following courses:
- T0028T, Materials Science and Engineering: an introduction
- T0029T, Materials Processing
- T0026T, Production, Automation and Materials
- T7004T, Surface Engineering
- T7027T, Additive Manufacturing - Process, Material, Product
I am involved in the following research projects:
- Full scale integrated modelling of metal working (FINBEAM2)
External link.
- Nationella flygtekniska forskningsprogrammet — NFFP8
- Befintliga Superlegeringar för Högtemperatur prestanda - ATI 273TM (BEYOND)
Publications profile pages (external):