Lena Alakangas
Professor and Head of Subject
Research subject: Applied Geochemistry
Division: Geosciences and Environmental Engineering
Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
Luleå, T2311
About me
Lena Alakangas, Professor and deputy Chair professor in Applied geochemistry. Teaches in courses in Environmental geochemistry related to mining waste and water. The expertise is in the area of environmental geochemistry, environmental impact and prevention measures particularly for sulfidic material such as mine wastes, sulfide-bearing rocks and sulfide soils.
Research Interests and Current Research
Characterisation, prediction and risk classification of sulfide-bearing rocks and mine wastes, sediments
Geochemical studies of sulfide bearing materials such as sulfide soil, mine wastes and sulfide bearing rocks and contaminated water
Geochemical stability of mine waste and prevention measures
Tracing contaminants (As, U) source and geochemical processes at mine sites (Environment forensics)
ITP308: Mine water and waste management. Training course for funded by SIDA
Metals4U. Vinnova funded project coordinated by Bergkraft