Linnea Bergenudd
Division: Learning support and information resources
Professional Services
About me
I work as a librarian at the University Library, including learning support and teaching sessions for students. I hold workshops and tutoring in media and information literacy, mainly about advanced searches in medical databases. I also work with developing and updating the library's learning modules in Canvas and also, I am responsible for the subject guides on the University Library's website. I also develop instructional videos as learning support on the web.
I also work with library services for the Norrbotten Region, including tutoring, search assignments and workshops. I am also responsible for the development and updating of the content of the Medical e-library.
In addition to this, I also work a lot with communication, including photographs for websites and materials for social media. I am also responsible for the material on the large screen wall out in the library.
You reach me most easily via email or chat in Teams.