Örjan Johansson
Professor and Head of Subject
Research subject: Engineering Acoustics
Division: Operation, Maintenance and Acoustics
Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
Luleå, T1054
About me
Örjan Johansson holding the position as chair professor in Engineering Acoustics at Luleå University of Technology. The research group works in the areas of Architectural & Building Acoustics; Sound & Vibration Quality; and Ultrasound & Acoustic Cavitation. Research is applied within the Built Environment, Process Industry and Automotive NVH. Current projects are on 'Process intensification by acoustic and hydrodynamic cavitation', 'Sound and vibration performance of timber buildings', 'Sound design of living and work environments', and 'Transfer path analysis for Automotive NVH'.
Educational background within Mechanical Engineering, MSC 1989. PhD 1996 in Physical Environment Technology, Associate professor in Engineering Acoustics 2006. Broad experience in the field of sound and vibration, linked to sound quality, transfer path analysis, and optimization and control of resonant systems. Supervisor or assistant supervisor for 8 doctoral dissertations, and supervisor for 30 Master Thesis’s. Five years’ experience as senior expert consultant within automotive and process industry.