Per Lindgren
Research subject: Dependable Communication and Computation Systems
Division: Computer Science
Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering
Luleå, A3303
About me
Per Lindgren, Professor Embedded Systems
Academic background and current roles
Since June 2008 Per Lindgren holds the position as chaired professor in Embedded Systems at EISLAB, and manages the Sustainable IT systems Master's (SITS) program. Dr. Lindgren currently heads a group of Ph.D. students in the area of embedded system design, with a focus on real-time, low-power software and hardware architectures with applications to embedded monitoring and control. Dr. Lindgren is a member of the ARTES++ reference group, and member of the ARTEMIS Architecture group, having contributed to the ARTEMIS Tools SRA.Until January 2010, Dr Lindgren has supervised 6 students to the level of licentiate degree, and 2 students to the level of doctoral degree. After finishing his doctoral studies January 2000, he has held the position of senior lecturer/associate professor, leading education and research in the area of Computer Engineering/Embedded Systems at EISLAB, Luleå University of Technology (LTU).
Dr. Lindgren received a PhD in Computer Engineer (2000) and a Master's degree in Computer Science (1994) at LTU.
My research interests are into component based design of embedded systems. The overall goal is to provide a modeling and implementation framework for systems operating under resource and timing constraints. Topics of interests are methods and tools for, real-time scheduling (for both single and multi-core systems), code generation, resource analysis (CPU/Memory/Power/IO), componentization and composability, and co-simulation.Teaching
Dr. Lindgren is currently examiner and course responsible for courses, student projects and theses in embedded systems.Updated: