Peter Törlind
Associate Professor, Distinguished University Teacher
Research subject: Product Innovation
Division: Humans and Technology
Department of Social Sciences, Technology and Arts
Luleå, A3540
About me
Associate Professor in Product Innovation
Manager DEPICT
Distinguished university teacher
Manager Industrial Design Engineering program
Peter graduated with a master's degree in mechanical engineering in 1996 from Luleå University of Technology, later joining the Polhem Laboratory for research in distributed engineering. He received his doctorate in 2002 with the dissertation "Distributed Engineering - tools and methods for distributed product development".
He is now an assistant professor in the research subject Product Innovation. Peter teaches several courses in both undergraduate and advanced level. And passionate about pedagogy in education. His core competencies are theme-based innovation, creativity, collaboration, distributed engineering, global product development, and physical environments for creative meeting. Peter has written about 50 publications in this area.
Peter is also a founder and board member of Alkit Communications, a spin-off company from Luleå University of Technology that develops applications for communication and testing.
Large organizations, such as the aerospace and automotive industries, have, for reasons of competence, among other things, placed component design and manufacturing in various locations. Larger companies also have a tendency to increasingly outsource the design and manufacture of components and subsystems to subcontractors and partners. This is becoming more common as the products become more and more complex and you increasingly need specialist skills that are often not available within your own company. These partners are often located in different places. To simplify communication between the cross-functional groups, you should use systems where you can quickly and easily visualize ideas and concepts so that everyone understands, can participate and give opinions.
By using these systems, design teams can utilize the common potential that exists in the team in the best way and think together instead of dividing the work.
Has previously supervised the following doctoral students:
- Erika Lind, Lic 2021
- Christo Dordlofva, PhD 2020
- Anna Karlsson, PhD 2014
- Jörgen Nordmark, PhD, 2014
- Mikael Nybacka, PhD, 2009
- Mattias Bergström, PhD, 2009
Currently supervising:
- Didunoluwa Obilanade, Lic 2023, planned PhD 2025.
- Brend Weiss, Planned Lic 2024
Peter has an high interest in education and pedagogic development. In 2021 he was awarded the title Distinguished university teacher.
Examiner for the following courses:
- M7016T
External link. - Creative Concept Development
- M0027T– IDEA Developers
- A0013A
External link. - Product and production design
- D0045A - Design: project and specialization
- D7011A - Advanced model building
- D7017A - Product visualisation
Also teaches the following courses
- D7014A
External link. - Degree Project in Industrial design engineering, Product Design, M.Sc.
- D0050A - Degree project in industrial design engineering, product design, university engineer
- O7008N - Advanced project management
- D0031A - User interface: design and technology
- T7027T - Additive Manufacturing
Has published the following textbooks:
- Åsa Wikberg-Nilsson, Åsa Ericson & Peter Törlind. (2021) Design: process and method (2:ed), ISBN: 9789144143392. Student literature. Used today by 7 universities in more than 10 different courses.
- Bergström, M., Ericson, Å., Törlind, P., Larsson, A., 2011, 4I4I - Four I: s For Innovation, Second edition. Division of Functional Products, Luleå. ISBN: 978-91-7439-148-0.
- 2004 CONEX scholarship recipient and recipient of SEK 25,000 for his efforts in computer-aided product development.
- Developed a separation system for Sweden's first nanosatellite (Munin), sold the technical solution to Saab Ericson Space.