Robert Hällmark
Adjunct Professor
Research subject: Structural Engineering
Division: Structural and Fire Engineering
Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
Luleå, T2217
About me
I have been working with steel- and composite structures during the last 13 years, mainly with a focus on bridges. I have spent the first seven years as a bridge designer and the last years as a steel specialist on the client side. My research is focused on composite bridges in general and the steel parts in particular. At the moment, I´m employed as a Technical Steel-specialist at Trafikverket – The Swedish Transport Administration and part time as a reseracher at LTU.
Steel- and composite bridges
Composite bridges with prefabricated deck element
Steel fatigue
Shear connections into Composite Structures
Integral abutment bridges
Strengthening of steel- and composite bridges
Development of Codes and Standards for steel- and composite structures
Professional Expertise
- Design of steel- and composite structures
- Assessment of steel- and composite structures
- Prefab Rica Celebration of bridges
- Steel fatigue
- Execution standars for steel structures
- Finite element modeling
Activities and Projects
ELEM - European RFCS project about Prefabrictaion of steel-concrete composite bridges External link.
Membership in professional organization
- IABSE-member
- Technical Secretary of the CEN SC4 WG 03, Composite Bridges