Mario Storga
Visiting Professor
Research subject: Product Innovation
Division: Humans and Technology
Department of Social Sciences, Technology and Arts
Luleå, A 3535
About me
Mario Štorga is a Full Professor at the Chair of Design and Product Development of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (UNIZG FSB) ( and Visiting Professor in Product Innovation research subject at the Lulea University of Technology Sweden since 2015. He was the leading researcher for several EUREKA, ERASMUS+ and Croatian National Science Foundation research projects. He is a member of the Design Society ( (since 2021, he has been elected to the Board of Management). Mario has published over 100 scientific papers (journal and conference), over 50 industrial reports, and three patents. He was visiting researcher and was invited as a speaker for numerous academic and industrial workshops and seminars in Croatia and abroad. He is a Conference and Programme Chari for the international series of the conference DESIGN held biannually in Croatia (
Mario's research interests include product development methods, product lifecycle management, product and design process formal modelling, engineering design ontology, theory of technical systems, knowledge management, complexity management, innovation management, teamwork modelling and simulation, data-driven design and systems engineering.