Simon Matti
Professor and Head of Subject
Research subject: Political Science
Division: Social Sciences
Department of Social Sciences, Technology and Arts
Luleå, A316
About me
I am professor of political science, at the Political Science Unit External link., Luleå University of Technology, and senior researcher at the Centre for Collective Action Research (CeCAR)
External link., University of Gothenburg.
I recieved my MSc in Political Sciences and my PhD ( 2003 and 2009 respectively) from Luleå. I have also studied at the School of Politics, International Relations and the Environment (SPIRE) External link., Keele University, UK.
My current research interests primarily deals with: Public policy; Values, public opinion and behaviour; Legitimacy; policy strategies and instruments, in particular within the areas of climate, energy, and environment.
My thesis, Exploring Public Policy Legitimacy: A Study of Belief-System Correspondence in Swedish Environmental Policy External link., dealt with the issue of policy legitimacy, where the importance of legitimacy for policy perfomance constitutes the starting-point for a comparison of the normative principles embedded in political aspirations and expressed through the official policy discourse, and the beliefs and values held by those subject to the policy. In the thesis, I discuss the concept of policy legitimacy theoretically and construct a framework for studying and evaluating it. This framework is applied to the case of Swedish household-oriented environmental policy by the use of a qualitative analysis of Swedish policy documents (years 1994-2006) and two mass-surveys to Swedish citizens. The thesis was written as a part of the SHARP Research Programme, financed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning.