Simon Pääjärvi
Doctoral Student
Research subject: Machine Design
Division: Product and Production Development
Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics
Luleå, E1008
About me
My research subject is rotor dynamics, a discipline of solid mechanics where motion and forces in rotating machinery is studied. The area involves the design, analysis and diagnosis of rotating machines and is essential to ensure operational stability and performance for e.g. large-scale energy production. The emphasis is on modeling of hydropower rotor systems using finite element analysis in the three-dimensional domain.
More specifically:
- Three-dimensional finite element modelling (and simulation) of complex rotordynamic systems including rotor, rotor connections (bearings) and stator
- Rotor-stator interaction between rotors and complex, elastic supporting structures
Teaching and supervision
I am currently conducting teaching in the following courses:
- M0015T - Mechanical Vibrations External link.
- M7010T - Dynamics in Mechanical Systems External link.
- M0010T - Computer-aided design External link.
Master's degree in Computational Mechanics (Mechanical Engineering) at Luleå University of Technology in spring 2022. Conducted master's thesis "Rotor Dynamic Modeling of Hydropower Rotors by 3D-Finite Element Analysis" for Vattenfall Research & Development and Luleå University of Technology.
PhD position at Machine Design started in July 2022.