Sumit Rakesh
Research Engineer
Research subject: Machine Learning
Division: Embedded Intelligent Systems LAB
Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering
About me
Sumit is working as a research engineer with Prof. Marcus Liwicki in the EISLAB Machine Learning at Luleå tekniska universitet (Luleå University of Technology), Sweden. His main research interests are in the field of Vehicle Routing Problem, Sign Gesture Recognition, Electroencephalography (EEG) Signals.
His current roles include:
- Performing Vehicle route optimization and developing a scalable solution by combining Heuristic solvers with Machine Learning in the Predictive Movement project External link. funded by Vinnova External link. in collaboration with Iteam External link.
- Providing a complete "End to End ML Pipeline solutions" using Kubeflow as a Web Interface using Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE External link.) Kubernetes cluster. This project will provide a Web UI to deploy and maintain ML applications that will sit on top of the Kubernetes cluster.
- Building a complete CMS based website that caters to document the technical and research articles by the Machine learning group. It will help to gain a solid web presence, research collaboration, and documenting research performed at LTU ML Group.
- Showcasing individual Machine learning projects as a web app that can be accessed via web URL. Each web app will be built using Flask, uwsgi, Nginx, Ingress that will run as a docker container using RISE External link. Kubernetes cluster.