Sven Knutsson
Senior Professor
Research subject: Soil Mechanics
Division: Mining and Geotechnical Engineering
Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
Luleå, T3336
About me
Main research interests
Frost, frost action, thaw weakening, permafrost, snow mechanics
Water retension dams; internal erosion, stability
Tailings dams; mechanical properties, long term stability
Erosion and erosion processes
Mechanical properties in coarse grained material
Use of industrial by-products
Dredging and deposition of dredged sediments
Ongoing projects
"Sustainable Management Of Contaminated Sediments" (SMOCS) finanzed by EU Baltic Sea Region Program.
"Snow and Ice" finanzed by EU target 2 program
Swedish Hydropwer Center (SVC); http://www.svc.nu/