Forskningsmiljö inom robotik och AI
COSTAR Shafter aerial platform
The Shafter aerial platform is an autonomous system capable of being deployed in an unknown environment. In this configuration, the platform is equipped with the following sensors: 3D LIDAR, forward facing RGBD camera and an IMU.
Graphical User Interface for Parrot Bebop 2
The ROS based Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Bebop Parrot 2 platform and step by step guide on how to create GUI for robotic applications.
Kontakt: Liv Kåreborn, Sina Sharif Mansouri, Christoforos Kanellakis and George Nikolakopoulos
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A Subterranean Virtual Cave World for Gazebo based on the DARPA SubT Challenge
Subterranean environments with lots of obstacles, including narrow passages, large voids, rock falls and absence of illumination were always challenging for control, navigation, and perception of mobile robots. The limited availability and access to such environments restricts the development pace of capabilities for robotic platforms to autonomously accomplish tasks in such challenging areas. The presented open-source virtual world aims to become a test-bed for evaluating the developed algorithms and software and to foster mobile robotics developments.
Kontakt: Anton Koval, Christoforos Kanellakis, Emil Vidmark, Jakub Haluska and George Nikolakopoulos
Dataset collection from a SubT environment
This article presents a dataset collected from the subterranean (SubT) environment with a current state-of-the-art sensors required for autonomous navigation. The dataset includes sensor measurements collected with RGB, RGB-D, event-based and thermal cameras, 2D and 3D lidars, inertial measurement unit (IMU), and ultra wideband (UWB) positioning systems which are mounted on the mobile robot. The overall sensor setup will be referred further in the article as a data collection platform. The dataset contains synchronised raw data measurements from all the sensors in the robot operating system (ROS) message format and video feeds collected with action and 360 cameras. A detailed description of the sensors embedded into the data collection platform and a data collection process are introduced. The collected dataset is aimed for evaluating navigation, localisation and mapping algorithms in SubT environments. This article is accompanied with the public release of all collected datasets from the SubT environment.
Anton Koval, Samuel Karlsson, Sina Sharif Mansouri, Christoforos Kanellakis, Ilias Tevetzidis, Jakub Haluska, Ali-akbar Agha-mohammadi, George Nikolakopoulos
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2022
Kontakt: Anton Koval
CompInnova LTU Database
Database including experimental and simulated data acquired by the Robotics & AI Group at LTU for the needs of CompInnova’s (H2020 FETOPEN, Grant Agreement No. 665238) WP6 “Design, development and experimental evaluation of the Vortex Robot Platform (VRP)”.
Kontakt: George Andrikopoulos, Andreas Papadimitriou and George Nikolakopoulos
Towards MAV Navigation in Underground Mine Using Deep Learning
The usage of Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) is rapidly emerging in the mining industry to increase overall safety and productivity. However, the mine environment is especially challenging for the MAV's operation due to the lack of illumination, narrow passages, wind gusts, dust, and other factors that can affect the MAV's overall flying capability. This article presents a method to assist the navigation of MAVs by using a method from the field of Deep Learning (DL), while considering a low-cost platform without high-end sensor suits. The presented DL scheme can be further utilized as a supervised image classifier that has the ability to process the image frames from a single on-board camera and to provide mine tunnel wall collision prevention. The efficiency of the proposed scheme has been experimentally evaluated in two mine environments that were used for data collection, training, and corresponding testing under multiple flying scenarios with different cameras configurations and illuminations.
Kontakt: Sina Sharif Mansouri, Christoforos Kanellakis, George Georgoulas and
George Nikolakopoulos
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