Jubilee fund
The aim of the Jubilee Fund is to create opportunities for more groundbreaking solutions and innovations for a sustainable future – by supporting research that might otherwise be difficult to fund.
The Jubilee Fund is funded by foundations, private individuals, companies and organisations – parties who want to open doors to ideas that can sometimes struggle to find a platform in mainstream structures and funding schemes.
Jubileumsfonden's Third Call for Applications
The application for Jubileumsfonden's third call is now open. This time, the focus is on research concerning “Sustainable Materials and Innovations for a Circular Bioeconomy,” which may include, but is not limited to, areas such as materials research, architecture, environment, chemistry, design, civil engineering, energy efficiency, and circularity.
A word from the Vice-Chancellor
Luleå University of Technology takes on difficult challenges, we have always done so. This has led to us being recognised for important contributions to the competitiveness of the business community and to society at large, both regionally and globally. The Jubilee Fund creates additional room for maneuver on the journey to the sustainable societies of the future. It is my strong hope that you will want to contribute.
Thanks to a broad range of subjects and successful experience of interdisciplinary work and external collaboration, we create great benefits for society. The University has extensive research collaboration with industry. It is of great importance to meet both current and future societal challenges where the development and innovation of industrial companies is often crucial. Luleå University of Technology also has close collaboration with regional and national social actors and authorities, to contribute to analyses and solutions for quality of life and sustainability.
We enjoy great trust and conduct many joint projects with companies and societal actors. This is a good foundation, but thanks to independent funding we can achieve even more, and this is where you come in. The University's 50th anniversary is the starting point for Luleå University of Technology's Jubilee Fund. The motto is "Into the future, into the unknown", and together with foundations, private individuals, companies and organisations, the Jubilee Fund enables challenging, innovative solutions and innovations for a sustainable future. The Jubilee Fund opens up opportunities for perhaps crucial ideas that otherwise have difficulty finding their platform in regulations and calls for proposals.
Your support and commitment will make a difference.
With kind regards,
Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn
Our anniversary committee
The Jubilee Committee is made up of people who are passionate about northern Sweden. They have a leading role in society and a strong network.
In addition to this, they are also an important component in identifying the winners of the calls, where they work in close cooperation with the Vice-Chancellor.
- Anders Sundström (Kaunis Iron, Honorary doctor)
- Carl-Henric Svanberg (AB Volvo)
- Mats Wäppling (FAM)
- Carina Håkansson (SCA)
- Birgitta Svendén (Royal Swedish Opera)
- Jonas Söderberg (SEB)
Luleå University of Technology operates in accordance with the Donations Ordinance and The Swedish National Financial Management Authority on all matters concerning donations and gifts.
All gifts and donations must be consistent with the University's values and overall goals.
Donating to the Jubilee Fund
By contributing to the Jubilee Fund, you join us in creating scope for carefully selected, innovative and bold initiatives that affect major societal challenges on the journey to the sustainable societies of the future.
Whether you are a private individual or a company/organisation, you can contribute to Luleå University of Technology's Jubilee Fund. You decide whether you want to be visible as a donor.
Contact us for a meeting where we together find the best solution for your heartfelt question or your interest in education, research and collaboration.
Here you can read more about how you can contribute in other ways than through the Jubilee Fund:
Pär Johansson