Strategic partnerships
The University has two different types of partnerships: strategic partnerships and memoranda of understanding.
Strategic partnerships are entered between the University and organisations with which we have long-standing and well-developed cooperation.
The aim is to increase attractiveness, quality and competitiveness for both parties in the areas of skills supply, skills development, research, and innovation collaboration. In 2019 and 2020, we signed agreements with Boliden, Epiroc, LKAB, RISE, including Sicomp, SWERIM, Skogsindustrierna and Svenskt trä, as well as with Vattenfall.
For each strategic partnership, the Vice-Chancellor has appointed a partner manager from the core business who has a good relationship with and knowledge of the strategic partner and all activities in our collaboration. The partner manager engages in an in-depth dialogue with his or her partner organisation regarding various opportunities to make joint initiatives in order to develop, strengthen and broaden the collaboration. A partner coordinator at the business support service supports the management and partner managers.
Declarations of intent
Memorandum of understandings (MoU) are agreements on strategic cooperation with public sector organisations. Agreements have been signed with the municipalities where the University has education and research activities; Luleå, Piteå, Kiruna, and Skellefteå. The aim is to strengthen the municipalities as university towns. Letters of intent have also been signed with the municipalities of Norrbotten and Region Norrbotten.
Our strategic partners
We have strategic partnership agreements with the following organisations.
Our memoranda of understanding (MoU)
We have MoU with the following municipalities and regions.
- Kiruna municipality
- Luleå municipality
- Piteå municipality
- Skellefteå municipality
- Municipalities of Norrbotten
- Region Norrbotten
Contact persons
The owners of the strategic partnerships are the University's management; the Vice-Chancellor and Pro Vice-Chancellor, who are supported by a management coordinator.
In the organisation, partner managers have been appointed who are supported by a partner coordinator from the Collaboration and innovation office at the professional services.
Partner manager Alstom
- Veronica Jägare
Deputy Operational Manager, Operation and Maintenance
Partner manager Boliden
- Daniel Johansson
Professor and Head of subject, Mining and Rock Engineering
Partner manager Epiroc
- George Nikolakopoulos
Professor and Head of subject,
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence - Pär-Erik Martinsson
Director, Signals and Systems
Partner manager Hitachi Energy
- Jonas Ekman
Professor and Head of subject, Electronic systems
Partner manager LKAB
- Daniel Johansson
Professor and Head of subject, Mining and Rock Engineering
Partner manager RISE
- Pär Weihed
Professor, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Ore Geology
Partner manager Swedish Forest Industries / Swedish Wood
- Margareta Groth
Head of department
Partner manager SWERIM
- Charlotte Andersson
Assistant professor, Process Metallurgy
Partner manager Vattenfall
- Staffan Lundström
Professor and Head of subject, Fluid Mechanics
Partner manager ABB and Ericsson
- Michael Nilsson
Project manager, Digital services and systems
Strategic partnerships and declarations of intent
If you have general questions about strategic partnerships and MoUs, please contact Charlotte Wiberg.
Luleå tekniska universitet