About the Medical E-Library
The medical e-library is a collaboration between the university library at Luleå University of Technology and Region Norrbotten, and is aimed at you who are employed in Region Norrbotten or are a medical student at Sunderby Hospital.
The Medical e-library offers a wide range of journals, articles, e-books and databases with the latest research in medicine and health.
Through the EIRA agreement, a regional collaboration for joint procurement of e-journals and other e-resources, healthcare professionals have access to reliable sources when they need guidance in practical patient work. You can access the resources when you are on the region's network, or from home by logging in with your region user.
- Eira
External link.
Read more about Eira on Inera's website.
In Swedish.
Books and interlibrary loans
You can also borrow books and order interlibrary loans through the University Library in Luleå.
Read more about how to do this here. Opens in new window.
Private healthcare providers
Eira is a library consortium that negotiates and signs licensing agreements for e-journals and other e-resources for the regions' healthcare staff.
The agreements also give private healthcare companies, which work on behalf of and are financed by the region, the right to the content of the Eira agreement. In this case, access to a computer connected to the region's network (IP), or a region login is required.