Michel Cervantes
Research subject: Fluid Mechanics
Division: Fluid and Experimental Mechanics
Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics
Luleå, E804
About me
Work Summary
I am essentially working with hydropower: experimentally and numerically. Experiments are performed on full-scale machines (Kaplan, Francis), models (Kaplan, Francis) and generic test cases (transient flow, unsteady flow). CFD is used to design experiments, understand specific flow phenomena and design flow control devices.
My research is principally concerned with flow control, rotor-stator interaction and flow measurements. Special interest is given to extend the operating range of hydraulic turbines, added parameters and presure-time method. I am partially financed by the Swedish Hydropower Center (www.svc.nu External link.) where I am responsible of the experimental fluid dynamics and the research school.
I am supervising and supervised the following PhD students:
- Zeinab Seifi, instability in hydraulic turbines, Tehran University, Iran
- Jelle Kranenbarg, instabilities at deep-part-load/speed-no-load in a Kaplan turbine - numerical, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
- Nahale Sotoudeh, deep part load and transient in Kaplan turbine – experimental, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
- Shahab Shiraghaee, mitigation of vortex breakdown - experimental, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
- Mehrdad Kalantar Neyestanaki, development of the pressure-time method for variable cross-sections intakes, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
- Robert Mirut, flow control in hydraulic turbines, University Politechnica Bucharest, Romania and Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
- Mohammad Amin Bahrami, added damping in hydraulic turbines, Tehran University, Iran and Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
- Ionut Stelian Grecu (2023, now at Univeristy Polytechnica de Bucharest), Jesline Joy (Siemens), Raluca Ivonel (2022, Renault), Binaya Baidar (2020,, now ABB), Arash Soltani (2019, now at Xylem), Sudhakar Gantasala (2019), Simin Dokht Saemi (2019), Narges Tabatabei (2018, now at KTH), Saeed Salehi (2018, now at Chalmers), Joel Sundström (2018, now at LTU), Rahul Goel (2017, now IIT Roorkee), Kaveh Amiri (2016, now at Volvo), Alaleh Safari (2016, now at Volvo Truck), Khalid Atta (2015, now at Ltu), Chirag Trivedi (2015, now at NTNU), Berhanu Mulu (2012, now at Vattenfall), Pontus Jonsson (2011, now at Vattenfall), Urban Andersson (2009, now at Elforsk), Samuel Cupillard ( 2009, now at Hydro-Quebec), Magnus Lövgren (lic 2006, now at Vattenfall)
Actual international and national cooperation:
- University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
- Tehran University, Iran
- Yangzhou University, China
- Vattenfall, Sweden
- Skellefteåkraft, Sweden
- Hydro-Quebec, Canada
I am involved in undergraduate (U) and graduate (G) courses:
- Hydromechanics (F0031T) (U)
- Wind Power Technology (F0050T) (U)
- Water Turbines (F7017T) (U,G)
- Turbulence (G)
- Trust & Quality in CFD (G)
- Flow measurements (G)