Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics at Luleå University of Technology specifically study flow in porous materials, multiphase flow, flow control, free surface flow, and unsteady flow. This is done using experimental, numerical, and analytical methods. The research is applied within the hydropower industry (production, safety, and environment), the mining and steel industry, as well as in areas such as composite manufacturing, health aspects, grease flow, and filtration technology.

Research areas
Fluid Mechanics encompasses a wide array of scientific and engineering domains and plays a central role in addressing diverse societal concerns such as energy, health, space and urbanization

Laboratories and equipment
Our lab is one of the most modern and best-equipped in Sweden for fluid mechanics studies, mainly through optical measurement methods

Our Courses
We offer a wide range of courses at both advanced and basic levels. The courses cover fundamental concepts and more applied aspects.

IAHR Congress 2026
We are delighted to welcome you to the 9th IAHR Europe Congress, Arctic Waters and Beyond: Innovating Hydro-Environment Engineering for a Sustainable Future in Luleå, Sweden, 9-11 of June 2026